Monday, November 10, 2008

Pure Awesome

I wish I could just live at UCSD and take like...only a couple units- less than 17- because it is so nice right here. I finally convinced my friend to surf and I used my awesome hookups to get him a nice board for $180. Just about the same as my board. Totally sick. I also bought a wetsuit for around $110, so that way, I can go out when it is super cold. =D
Anyways, I have all the ingredients for surfing. Great beach in proximity. Surfing buddy who lives in my college. Nice board. Wetsuit. Bananas. I am all set. I am very excited and juked about it

Musically: It is going well. I am not learning much more uke each day. Ive learned a classical guitar song on ukulele...I have yet to learn jazz and blues and have no idea where to start. There need to be more songs online for me to learn. =/ As for guitar, I like a lot of Jon Foreman's songs. His recent acoustic works really speak to my life. For those few of you who read this, listen to Instead of a Show (look it up on youtube) actually, I'll just put it on here.

umm..i have also learned the intro part of cheesy little love i am very happy
and i wrote the entirety of this blog during my political science lecture about political apathy in the united states =D


DavidsDiary said...

Passage "Instead of a Show" is from is Isaiah 1:10-18

jchan985 said...

delicious bananas. mannn...i can't believe you have all of that. thanksgiving is gonna be awesome

jazz and blues, eh? i can try to teach you some. using the taylor well? p.s. bring it home, i won't bring a guitar during thxgiving

i can't believe you learned cheesy little love song! that's not easy at all, mannn....